With so much new music floating around the interwebs, sometimes it’s hard to dig a little deeper and find out more about a promising artist.
That’s why The Profile is breaking it down for you. The Pitch takes care of the nitty gritty factual bits, The Plot serves as a Q & A with the artist, and The Plug is where you can go for more.
The Pitch
Sydney duo Yon Yonson (Andrew Kuo and Nathan Saad) have been writing, recording and self-releasing music since 2010 and have released three internet mix-tapes and an album. Hypomantra is their second album and draws musical inspiration from electronica, hip-hop, indie rock, classical music, and the internet. Listen to ‘Homesick’ from their 2013 album Antipodes below.
The Plot
We grew up in Burwood/Strathfield in Sydney’s Inner West. It definitely had a big influence on the new album in terms of lyrics and themes. Whereas a lot of our songs in the past have been about broad topics like religion and loneliness, Hypomantra is a lot more personal and based on our experiences. There are a few lyrical references to streets and places in Burwood and the album artwork (created by Amy Seo and Lachie Hinton) reflects this.
We listen to a lot of different stuff. I don’t know if these are influences but we really love Flying Lotus, Animal Collective, Elliott Smith, Pavement ,and MGMT (everyone hates on MGMT but they’re rad). We also listen to a lot of jazz and hip hop and have sampled everyone from Les Baxter and Isao Tomita to Sigur Ros and At The Drive-In. Please don’t sue…
Dream Rider:
We’d settle for anything but dumplings and beer would be a good start.
Dream Collaboration:
The ultimate would be to do a track with Kool A.D. and MF Doom. If anyone has any contacts let us know.
Best gig you’ve ever been to:
Seeing the Pixies on their Doolittle tour is right up there just because we never thought we’d get the chance to see them live. Flaming Lips at Harvest (RIP) was pretty sick too cause Wayne did the whole hamster ball/vagina entry/laser hands thing. Look it up.
What’s your favourite local: Probably Oxford Arts Factory just because we’ve been there so many times and it’s grimy and dirty and cool. We also played a show there last year which was very fun.
Favourite Local Act:
Is it weird to say Frenzal Rhomb? That Kirin J Callinan album from last year was fucking wild and we love Collarbones and obviously Simo Soo. His latest album People Are Animals is unreal.
The Plug
Yon Yonson’s new album Hyopmantra is out now. Listen to it below and head to their Bandcamp for previous releases. For more info like the band on Facebook.