Have you ever wondered what insane guitar(s) Jack White shreds with, the effects pedals Jimi Hendrix used on one of his mind-bending psychedelic trips or what set-up Daft Punk use? Well, thanks to an incredible new website, you can find out exactly what your music idols use, and even better – you can buy the same equipment.
This may seem way to good to be true but behold, Equipboard, a musicians dream.
With a very simple design, this website separates worldclass recording artists into 9 different categories, namely: Music Producer, Guitarists, Drummers, Bassist, DJs, Rappers, Composers, Keyboardists and Singers.
From here, one simply clicks the category of interest followed by the artist they desire which then displays an extensive list of any reported equipment and gear that that artist uses, including informative write-ups of what an instrument has been used on and what sound it produces, with links on where you can then buy the said equipment.
In addition to this, one can use the search function to look up your favourite musician and directly scope out the sort of materials they are using.
It doesn’t end there for music nerds, with an exploding forum section that is dedicated to the discussion of how to use certain equipment, gear and instruments. This truly is a wonderful meeting place for artists of all calibre to swap their musical secrets.
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The website’s growth can be attributed to it’s brilliant functionality which sees it operate like an open discussion space, encouraging any person to come forward and add instrument information of any recording musician.
If you’re thinking that any old person can add some nonsense to the site, Equipboard ensures that contributor’s gear information must be: verifiable by a legitimate source, accurate and point to the correct product and contain a factual and contextual explanation of how the product is used by the artist. On top of that, there is a site moderator that frequently views new submissions to ensure legitimacy for readers.
With such a revolutionary website at the reach of our fingertips we cannot wait to hear the exciting new sounds inspired by the greats.
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