If you’ve spent more than ten second online in the last few years, you would undoubtedly be aware of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that has everyone from your next door neighbour to Lily Allen regretting all those missed opportunities that they had to line their pockets with Internet dollars.
Of course, with Bitcoin being a huge talking point on the Internet, it’s almost expected that it becomes the topic of jokes on current TV shows, such as Silicon Valley, which prides itself on its technology-based humour. However, one of the show’s recent jokes has now become a reality thanks to an Icelandic web design agency.
If you’re not familiar with Silicon Valley, a recent episode saw Martin Starr’s character of Bertram Gilfoyle design an alert designed to notify its user of when Bitcoin drops below a certain value, at which point it’s reportedly “no longer efficient to mine.”
The kicker though, is that the sound of the alert is Napalm Death’s 1989 tune ‘You Suffer’. Not familiar with the track? Spare 1.316 seconds of your life and check it out below.

Yes, consisting nothing but the words, “You suffer, but why?”, it’s not clear whether the tune was chosen for the alert as a way to question the suffering that Bitcoin followers go through in their pursuit of cashing in on the currency, or just because of the short, jarring nature of the grindcore classic.
Whatever the case, the alert is now a reality thanks to Icelandic website design agency, Viska.
As The Verge reports, Viska’s Sindri Guðmundsson explained that his team built the tool “just for fun”, after seeing it on the show. Created in three hours, the tool reportedly fetches the price of bitcoin from Coincap.io, and allows you to set the price your Bitcoin value threshold. If the current value goes above or below that value, you’re going to hear some sweet, sweet Napalm Death.
“We actually follow the bitcoin price quite a lot and playing beautiful music each time it passes a certain amount makes the day better,” explained Guðmundsson in a message to The Verge, making it unclear if Napalm Death is what the company listens to repeatedly, or if they have something on their player that’s a bit more easygoing.
Check out the alert here, but maybe lower the sound on your speakers a little bit first.
Check out the Napalm Death Bitcoin alert scene from Silicon Valley: