Playground Weekender, which is due to kick off this Friday, has been cancelled according to Hawkesbury Council due to extreme flooding expected to take place over the weekend at the festivals location.
Organisers of Playground Weekender have yet to officially cancel the event posting on their Facebook page “we are working with the State Emergency Services and the police. We are keeping a close eye on the situation and will be updating everyone accordingly”.
But representatives of the council have been advising punters that the event has been called off by police who are worried about the safety and wellbeing of the festival attendees. A spokesperson from the council spoke to The Music Network saying the festival “has been cancelled as far as they’re concerened.”
According to reports organisers of the festival are currently fighting local authorities to keep the festival alive but given that the SES have just issued a flood watch for the Hawkesbury River we’re not holding out breath.
The SES have warned that there is a 70% chance of floods developing in the Hawkesbury River valley where the festival is held after huge rainfall is predicted across the state. The flooding would also close off local bridges that would serve as access points to the festival site.
Due to play the popular festival were Chic Feat Nile Rogers, Boy and Bear, Roots Manuva, Unkle Sounds, Manchester Orchestra, Black Lips, and Ariel Pinks Haunted Graffiti amongst others.
We’ll keep you posted when we hear anything more. Ticket holders in the meantime can keep their eye on water levels thanks to the Bureau Of Meteorology.
Following advice from the NSW State Emergency Services and the Police, the Playground Weekender festival has been cancelled due to concerns over flooding.
A spokesperson from the NSW State Emergency Service told Playground Weekender (via FasterLouder) “The Bureau of Meterology (BOM) have issued a flood watch for the Hawkesbury – Nepean Rivers systems, including your event location at the Del Rio Riverside Resort in Webbs Creek. The BOM predictions indicate moderate flooding but have not discounted the possibility of major flooding.”
“In the interests of public safety, and as the emergency service responsible for storms and floods, the New South Wales State Emergency Service (NSWES) directs the Playground Weekender boutique music festival be cancelled under the State Emergency Service Act 1989 (section 22 (1a-c) (The Act).”
“The extensive flooding that has been forecast poses a significant risk to persons and property within the affected area, and under The Act the NSWSES has a responsibility to ensure persons do not enter emergency areas.”
Promoter Andy Rigby has issued a statement saying “We have been planning this event all year and were anticipating it as much as our guests were. The safety of the guests, artists and staff at the event, and on their way to and from the event, is our main priority.”
“Reluctantly we have followed advice that it would be unsafe to ask people to travel in these weather conditions, and as such the event cannot go ahead.”
Rigby is expected to contact ticket holders about the next course of action shortly but is currently seeking a replacement venue so some of the festival can continue to go ahead. No details have be released about replacement shows or refunds.