It’s a great day to be a fan of Aussie music, with Wollongong’s Raised As Wolves sharing their latest single, the blistering ‘My Headache Is Getting Worse’.

If you’re a lover of punk or rock music, then there’s a pretty good chance you would’ve come across the furious majesty that is Raised As Wolves.

Hailing from Wollongong, the three-piece outfit have been tearing up stages for a number of years now, filling their live sets with countless tracks full of raw energy and unbridled magnetism.

Recently though, it’s been a little quiet. While their 2018 single ‘Speech Therapy’ was another example of what makes the band so great, we’ve had to wait a little bit for new material. Now, following the release of an unreleased track from 2017 on their Bandcamp page, the group are back with another new single.

Titled ‘My Headache Is Getting Worse’, this stunning track serves as the first from their upcoming new release, and shows the band at their best, with the track reportedly written on the day that Royal Headache announced their breakup.

“I started writing this song trying to write a Royal Headache-esque riff, and it sat around for a long time as just a jangly idea, couldn’t really finish it off,” explains guitarist and vocalist Brad Colley. “Then we had a fairly long break, and came back to it after this and finished it off, along with a bunch of other songs.

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“We recorded it live (for the most part) and we’re very happy with this one, it’s been to the opening song in our set for a while now. I feel like it sums up the sound and energy of this last little while of our band’s timeline.”

Raised As Wolves are set to share their new release some time in the near future, but if you’re keen on getting a bit of an early taste, give ‘My Headache Is Getting Worse’ a well-deserved spin below, followed by another, and another…

Check out ‘My Headache Is Getting Worse’ by Raised As Wolves:

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