We explore our ten favourite hits from legendary band The Cars in honour of frontman Ric Ocasek, who passed away late September, 2019.
There are many songs from The Cars that we’ve all grown to love and adore. The band essentially invented driving music, and emerged during a time where New Wave music was everywhere, but only the legends were granted permission to last around.
Here are our ten favourite The Cars songs in no particular order. Let us know if we missed one of your faves.
1. ‘Just What I Needed’
This list wouldn’t be right without what is arguably the best Cars song to come out. Except maybe ‘Drive’. Everyone knows this one, and with right reason, it’s just so damn good.
Here’s a live performance for you to consume, which simply cements why The Cars are so incredible.
2. ‘Moving In Stereo’
This song was so spacey that they just had to use it for Stranger Things Season 3. A definite Cars classic.
3. ‘Drive’
Added points for The Cars releasing a song called ‘Drive’ and it being incredible too.
4. ‘My Best Friend’s Girl’
Ever driven down the highway windows down and sun blaring as ‘My Best Friend’s Girl’ blasts through your car speakers?
Life changing stuff.
5. ‘Bye Bye Love’
Often forgotten amongst the other hits, but an incredible song that should always be remembered.
6. ‘Good Times Roll’
This album really just is perfect isn’t it?
7. ‘Let’s Go’
If it’s good enough for the greatest hits album, it’s good enough for us. ‘Let’s Go’ is an underrated gem amongst The Cars’ discography.
8. ‘Magic’
Ric Ocasek looks simply enchanting in this video. Enchanting and tall. And his voice really shines on ‘Magic’.
9. ‘You Might Think’
The music video for this one is insane and the perfect summary of the ’80s. Crazy, colourful, wild and whacky.
10. ‘You’re All I’ve Got Tonight’
Finish the list off with this magnificent piece of Rock music.