Most people know rapper 360 for his platinum singles.
However, casual listeners won’t be aware that there are a lot of spectacular songwriting, rap skills and gripping storytelling beyond those tunes you’ve heard over and over again on the radio.
Simply put, 360 is one of the most versatile rappers in Australia.
Check out our picks for the 10 best songs in chronological order. We feel this order will truly demonstrate the creative journey this amazing rapper has gone on over his career.
Forthwrite – ‘Namedropper’
Forthwrite is the duo of both Pez & 360 before they went out on their solo careers, and was the first time I discovered them.
The rhyme schemes, punchlines and creativity of this track are next level, released in 2008 it still stands up as a great tune.

Forthwrite – ‘Lazy (feat. Seth Sentry)’
Another joint off the first Forthwrite mixtape. Actually the first time I discovered Seth Sentry too!
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360 – ‘Facebook Fiend’
A mixtape track from 360’s Please Be Seated 2.

360 – ‘So Fake’
Our favourite track from his debut album What You See Is What You Get.
360 – ‘Boys Like You’
Likely the song everyone knows. What an absolute beautiful pop song!

360 – ‘Run Alone’
This was the first song I heard when he took on a new pop sound following his debut album. It might not sound like anything special now, but at the time it really was super innovative for any rapper to be making music like this, let alone an Australian one.
He copped a lot of hate from the traditional hip hop heads with this new direction, but to me, that was always extremely close minded and lacked any appreciation for 360 showcasing his wider talent beyond punchlines and boom bap.
360 – ‘Price of Fame (feat. Gossling)’
If something isn’t broke don’t fix it right? Another unbelievable collaboration with Gossling, there’s something about her delivery on this track that does something to me.

360 – ‘Child’
Another single from Falling And Flying, his most successful album at radio and on the charts.
360 – ‘Still Rap’
Says it all in the title, doesn’t it? After releasing countless platinum-selling pop hits, he wanted to remind everyone he’s still got it on the rap front. Great track to open his 3rd album.
360 – ‘Tiny Angel’
I feel like every successful artist has their moment when they well and truly create a masterpiece, a song that is not a single but is a perfect work of art in every aspect. Produced by Jon Reichardt, Tiny Angel is the masterpiece of his career.