Back in July, we ran a tongue-in-cheek report on Cameron Carpenter, an American organ virtuoso, who’s been lauded worldwide for his virtuosity, showmanship, technique, and unique arrangements for the increasingly obscure instrument.
Cameron has long stirred controversy in the classical music world for his unconventional take on his instrument of choice. However, what we were struck by was his bizarre demeanour in interviews and his over-the-top EPK.
A lot of readers weren’t exactly on board. They took exception to our honestly tongue-in-cheek digs at Cameron, who is in fact a talented musician and something of a vanguard for a dying instrument and style of music.
No harm, no foul, Cameron, because we are truly sorry. We’re sorry because we recently became aware of Wold. An industrial noise slash black metal slash ‘Ow, my freaking ears’ band from Canada, who are of some renown in metal circles.
The music they make is challenging, to say the least, but probably enjoyable if you’re into the sound of abrasive meshes of noise played through amplifiers that sound as though they were forged by The Devil himself.
However, it’s this interview with the band we recently discovered that has us taking the ‘Most Pretentious Musician’ crown off the head of Cameron Carpenter, who’s totally chill and down to earth compared to Wold’s frontman.
Speaking in between some very confronting live clips, Wold vocalist Sean Campbell talk about what he’s trying to achieve with his project, doing so without blinking even once, making reference to his masters thesis and Schopenhauer, and while accompanied by a very concerned looking bandmate.