One of the most shocking and unexpected deaths in music over the last decade would have to be that of Michael Jackson. Since the King Of Pop’s 2009 passing, numerous people have tried cashing in on his death, attempting to tell their own stories that tenuously relate to him in order to make a quick buck. However, the latest of these happens to be a US psychic who claims to have recently spoken to the late singer.
Tyler Henry, the star of Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry, has recently spoken about the events that occurred during the filming of an upcoming episode. The program in question featured Michael Jackson’s sister LaToya, who met with Henry to find some answers about her brother’s passing.
“It’s hard to even talk about the subject casually because he did, he came through!” Tyler Henry explained to E! News. “It’s still one of the most surprising, bizarre, surreal experiences in my life. What I thought was so interesting when Michael connected to LaToya was that I was kind of expecting Michael Jackson to come through like moonwalking with like a whole audience full of people and a lot of feeling of like celebrity. But when he came through he was quite the opposite.”
“He came through very vulnerable, very private. He came across just like a brother trying to connect with his sister and it really wasn’t that different than if I were connecting any random person to their brother,” the 22-year-old medium continued. “And it was just really special because it showed universally these connections are all something we can relate to. And even if we’re a celebrity in life, they still connect on a personal level on the other side.”
Of course, one of the more controversial aspects of Michael Jackson’s passing related to the singer’s final moments, which have long been the subject of debate and numerous court cases. However, Tyler Henry claims that Jackson shared some information in regards to those final minutes.
“He conveyed various messages and I think LaToya was still very curious about the nature of what exactly happened to Michael in his final moments. There were some questions about the timeline as far as who was around at the time,” Tyler Henry explained. “And so Michael basically came through, to the best of my ability I conveyed the timeline of what I saw to be true as far as painting that picture. And it just helped I think provide some validation for them because there were some questions about were certain people in the room at the time or if they’re weren’t.”
“Things like that I think can really help people put things to rest. But especially when it’s such a public figure, I think everyone who watches this episode will find a deeper sense of closure around Michael’s passing as well.”
“It was really emotional and I’m so thankful that LaToya did it,” Henry added. “I was really honored.”
The episode of Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry that featured Henry’s supposed conversation with Michael Jackson is set to air on February 28th, but we’d advise maybe taking it with a grain of salt.