Fans of the enigmatic music producer Aphex Twin are abuzz at the prospect of new music right now after a 3D ad was discovered in the London Underground recently.

Back in 2014, English music producer Aphex Twin released his first album in 13 years. Titled Syro, the record was released following a rather odd marketing campaign which saw blimps flown over London with the Aphex Twin logo, street graffiti of the logo in New York City, and odd clues and hints being released via the Dark Web.

Since the record’s release, Richard D. James – the man behind the project – has been much more active than usual, performing more live shows, and even releasing a handful of vinyl releases at his shows. In fact, this new bout of productivity even led to a documentary on the musician being released earlier this month, which aimed to get to the bottom of the mysteries that surround his persona.

Now, it seems like things could be kicking off again, with a new piece of art featuring the Aphex Twin logo appearing in the London Underground over the weekend.

After news of this artwork appeared online, fans over at the Aphex Twin subreddit started to wonder if this could mean that new music was on the way.

The appearance of the artwork happens to not only coincide with some uncharacteristic downtime for Aphex Twin’s Warp record label, but also happened to appear at the Underground station closest to Richard D. James’ legendary residence in an old bank near the Elephant & Castle in London.

Other fans have also theorised that the fact that the artwork has seven layers to it indicates that the artist’s seventh album might be dropping around September 22nd, which happens to be listed as the release date for Syro (which also features updated artwork) on the Aphex Twin online store.

Needless to say, while nothing that Richard D. James does is ever simple, all of these little things start to add up to something which might just turn out to be true. Whether we do receive new music remains to be seen, but even if we don’t, at least it’ll be one hell of a ride in the meantime.

Check out Aphex Twin’s ‘4’:

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