Only few are allowed upon the holy terrain of FKA twigs, and Skrillex is apparently one of the lucky souls.

While FKA twigs has been rather silent lately on her upcoming project Magdalene, she has broken her silence for but a second to let us know that new single ‘Holy Terrain’ is coming.

The track has been teased to be an absolute banger of a joint, featuring the collaborative efforts of Skrillex, Jack Antonoff and Future. That’s a whole smorgasbord of talent.

Jack Antonoff recently celebrated co-producer victories on Lana Del Rey’s brilliant new album Norman Fucking Rockwell!

In a recent interview with i-D, FKA twigs spilled all the goss on her secretive new album Magdalene, which is set to be released sometime this Spring.

Magdalene, she says, “is about every lover that I’ve ever had, and every lover that I’m going to have.” Musically, “just when you think it’s really fragile and about to fall apart, there’s an absolute defiance and strength in a way that my work’s never had before.”

She says that when she asked Future to be on the album, “He texted back right away and I was like [throws her phone onto the sofa], ‘Oh my god, he’s just messaged me back!’ He’s such a sweetheart. I sent him the album and I called him up and was like, ‘Listen, Future… this is what my album’s about. It’s a really empowering, sensitive record, with a lot of feminine energy, and this song is probably the most fun track on it, but I still need lyrical content.’ And he said, ‘Okay, I’ve got it’. And his verse is beautiful. He’s just talking about his downfalls as a man; how he’s sorry and asking for healing. I love sad Future. I love when he gets emo, when he expresses himself.”

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