The frontman of Wilco and renowned indie rocker Jeff Tweedy and his family were awakened when between seven and 10 gunshots were heard, says Tweedy’s wife Susan Miller-Tweedy in a recent Facebook post.

Miller-Tweedy, who co-owned legendary Chicago rock club Lounge Ax which closed in 2000, posted: “You know how every time you hear loud pops you think…was that fireworks or gunshots? Well, when it’s really gunfire, there is zero question about it… especially when it hits your house.”

Susan Miller Tweedy

Chicago Police said that the incident took place at approximately 2 am and confirmed that no one was injured. No arrests have been made as of yet.  Police have refused to speculate whether it was related to a recent uptick in gun violence in Tweedy’s neighbourhood of Old Irving Park, or whether the attack was a targeted assault on Tweedy himself.

In her Facebook post, Miller-Tweedy added: “It was the loudest and scariest thing I’ve ever heard and set our alarm off. I called 911 and they either didn’t come or I didn’t see them, but while I was looking for them out the window upstairs, I looked down and saw that our house had been shot. A bullet went through the storm door to our balcony and lodged in the wooden door. We re-freaked out and I called 911 again. They finally came but basically just wrote a report and left. In the light of day today, Jeff found 7 shell casings outside. The police came and got them.”

She also shared a picture of the gunshot damage in her post to Facebook.

On Wednesday, both Tweedy-Miller and Jeff Tweedy declined to elaborate, but their son, musician Spencer Tweedy, who was home at the time of the incident, told a local radio station that it was “pretty scary” but did not believe his family was targeted.

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Thankfully, everyone in the Tweedy family is safe and out of harm’s way.

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