Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli Sykes has wasted no time getting stuck into Donald Trump, calling the US President “the ugliest human” the world has ever seen.

If you’re a fan of Bring Me The Horizon, then you’d likely be aware that the group aren’t ones to hold their tongues when it comes to topics that matter to them.

Why, their previous comments regarding rock music appear to be enough to tell you that their opinions won’t be held back if they have a strong stance on the matter.

Understandably, this attitude has now extended over to politics, where frontman Oli Sykes recently hit back at US President Donald Trump following a wild weekend of both politics and immature bullying.

As many would be aware by now, Donald Trump took to his Twitter account over the weekend to launch an attack on 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg, who was recently named TIME’s Person of the Year for her efforts.

“So ridiculous,” Trump wrote in response to the news. “Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”

While Thurnberg soon added these words to her Twitter biography in response, Oli Sykes hit back at Trump with a simple message that simply noted “U r the ugliest human this world has eva seen.”

Sure, the sentiment might be somewhat immature, but considering just how juvenile Trump’s statements have been towards a 16-year-old and her efforts to make the world a better place, well it seems rather fitting.

Of course, Sykes’ comments also preceded a somewhat prophetic Tweet in which he noted that a morning in which Boris Johnson was named the UK Prime Minister would be “a rlly [sic] grey mornin [sic] and the future wud [sic] look like a slog n a half.”

“The only thing that excites me is progression & that chap is as backwards as they come,” Sykes added.

In related news, Bring Me The Horizon recently released their latest song, ‘Ludens’, which was taken from the Death Stranding soundtrack.

Check out ‘Ludens’ by Bring Me The Horizon:

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