It’s rare to hear a tune that has the power to completely stop you in your tracks, but if this is a feeling you’re chasing, it’s high time you gave Servo Flowers’ ‘Messed Up’ a spin.

If the name Servo Flowers isn’t a familiar one to you, then you were likely one of only a handful to have missed out on the release of ‘King Of The Suburbs (For The Night)’ last year, the debut single from Fremantle songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jimmy Mac.

Now, Mac has returned with his latest effort, a gorgeous powerhouse of indie-rock that heaps on the emotion while remaining as powerful and resolute as ever.

Recorded at his home studio in Fremantle, the new single was sent to Joel Waddell (PulseFour Music) for mixing before landing with Randy Merrill (Sterling Sound) to be mastered, with the intimate nature of the song mirroring Servo Flowers’ approach to his craft.

A hazy track that evokes feelings of nostalgia, Servo Flowers notes that the bare bones of ‘Messed Up’ came rather quickly, with lyrics borne out of some rather heavy personal experiences for the artist.

“‘Messed Up’ was one of those rare songs that came out basically finished on the first play-through,” he explains. “As a result, the lyrics are simple but personal, detailing a literal car-crash that coincides with the breakdown of a relationship.

“I spent over two years playing around with the song to figure out the perfect way to represent the simplicity of the tune and elevate it with my usual process of adding tonnes of samples.

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“When I produce I work with layers and layers of textures that build up to remind me of a nostalgic place or feeling. Sometimes strange samples end up in the music.”

A taster of his upcoming debut EP, Joey Car Crash, ‘Messed Up’ follows on from a number of songwriting sessions with Eskimo Joe’s Kav Temperley, allowing the pair to collaborate, bring ideas to life, all while continuing the communal nature of music-making which Jimmy Mac frequently utilises.

“Very quickly I have found a group of people who have become part of the Servo Flowers vision,” he explains. “Whether it’s putting down parts or just having a beer while I record, there’s always something happening.

“I live in a house with a local artist and mate, Chidgzey, and next door to three other friends who are part of local bands like Great Gable, Mal De Mer and Supathick, so our street is definitely loud, but a good time!”

Servo Flowers’ ‘Messed Up’ is officially out on June 12th, but if you like the sound of the above, you can check it out below.

Check out ‘Messed Up’ by Servo Flowers:

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