Sharon Osbourne has taken umbrage with the way Ozzy Osbourne was portrayed in Netflix’s Mötley Crüe biopic, The Dirt.

Sharon and Ozzy recently sat down with Planet Rock’s ‘My Planet Rocks’ segment where they delved into a breadth of topics like surviving the lockdown, the final days of Motörhead rocker Lemmy Kilmister, the future of touring and Elton John.

During the conversation, the polarising Mötley Crüe film was brought up, and Sharon was quick to criticise the film’s portrayal of The Prince of Darkness.

“Come on, this movie is so tacky,” she shared. “They took a guy from the Nickelodeon channel, and this is a children’s channel. I think this guy acted in children’s movies. Great, trust him he’ll be a good Ozzy.”

The Dirt features a particularly ludicrous seen in which a young Ozzy Osbourne (portrayed by Tony Cavalero), meets with Mötley Crüe to enlist them to be the opening act for his tour. 

One standout scene sees Ozzy and the band causing chaos around the pool in between shows. Osbourne delivers a rambling motivation speech about touring, drugs and unprotected sex. He then proceeds to snort a line of crawling ants on the ground, urinates over them, and licks it up — challenging bassist Nikki Sixx to do the same.

The scene is apparently based on a real-life interaction the band hand with Ozzy, taken from their 2001 autobiography of the same name. Though this has been disputed by  Osbourne’s former guitarist Jake E. Lee, who revealed to Tone-Talk that incident didn’t unfurl the way it was portrayed.

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“I was there, and I never saw ants,” he said. “I was right there. He snorted a little spider. There was a not a trail of fucking ants there. Tommy [Lee] says it, Nikki [Sixx] says it, Ozzy says it, [but] they were fucked up. I was not. I was just trying to get a fucking sun tan. That’s all I was doing. They were getting fucked up. Ozzy snorted a little tiny, stupid spider that was crawling across.

“There was no ants. There was no fucking ants. I don’t care what the other guys say. There was no ants.”

Check out The Dirt trailer:

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