blink-182‘s Mark Hoppus has offered a health update amid his ongoing battle with lymphatic cancer.
In June, Mark Hoppus revealed that he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment. “I have cancer. It sucks and I’m scared, and at the same time I’m blessed with incredible doctors and family and friends to get me through this,” Hoppus wrote in a statement.
“I’m trying to remain hopeful and positive. Can’t wait to be cancer-free and see you all at a concert in the near future.”
Last week, Hoppus revealed that he was preparing to “take a test that may very well determine if I live or die.” He’s since given fans an update on the test results, and, thank fucking god, he’s got “the best possible news.”
“Scans indicate that the chemo is working!,” he wrote. “I still have months of treatment ahead, but it’s the best possible news. I’m so grateful and confused and also sick from last week’s chemo. But the poison the doctors pump into me and the kind thoughts and wishes of people around me are destroying this cancer.”
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Hoppus is undergoing treatment for 4-A diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the same type of cancer his mother successfully beat. The classification of his DLBCL is Stage IV-A, the highest level — the cancer affects his other organs beyond the lymph nodes.
“My classification is diffuse large B-cell lymphoma stage IV-A, which means, as I understand it, it’s entered four parts of my body,” Hoppus explained.
“I don’t know how exactly they determine the four part of it, but it’s entered enough parts of my body that I’m stage IV, which I think is the highest that it goes. So, I’m stage IV-A.”
Hoppus went in for a PET scan on Wednesday, July 14th, which determined whether his months of chemotherapy treatment have been effective. Even though the chemotherapy is working, Hoppus will still need to undertake three more rounds of chemo after all the cancer has been eradicated. There is also a chance that he may need to undergo a bone marrow transplant.