Camila Cabello recently performed her brand new track ‘Don’t Go Yet’ on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.

The performance itself went down without a hitch and featured impeccable costume design, set design, choreography and of course vocals from Cabello.

However following the performance’s wrap, the ‘Don’t Go Yet’ artist found herself trending on Twitter, with social media viewers accusing the artist’s back-up dancer of blackface.

The accused dancer is seen front row behind Cabello towards the end of the performance, in a hot pink shirt and a very obviously spray tanned face and body.

Cabello took to Twitter herself to defend her performance and dancers with a written note, acknowledging the diversity of her dancers and stating that the terrible spray tan was intentional.

She said, “Hey! so this dude was just supposed to be a white man with a terrible spray tan. We purposefully tried to pull together a multicultural group of performers, the expectation was not that everyone in the performance needed to be Latin.”

Cabello continued, “There are white people, African American people, Latin people, etc. and so the point wasn’t to try to make everyone look Latin either. There are a lot of people in the performance who are not.”

“The point was to try to make each person look like an over-the-top 80’s character just like in the video, including a white dude with a terrible orange spray tan.”

She also posted the note alongside a screenshot of the back-up dancer who posted a photo backstage of Jimmy Fallon’s show. “In case you missed my spray tan last night on Jimmy Fallon,” he wrote.

For more on this topic, follow the Pop Observer.

Watch Camila Cabello perform ‘Don’t Go Yet’:

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