There is no doubting The Weeknd’s talent. The man has a knack for pumping out hit after hit, but when Timbaland compared his newest album to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, fans were not happy.

The Weeknd’s new album Dawn FM is already being predicted for getting R&B album of the year (…even though we’re ten days into 2022). On Saturday, veteran producer and co-founder of Verzuz Timbaland offered his take on the hot new album, but it wasn’t exactly well-received.

Now, I have definitely been guilty of getting Timbaland and Justin Timberlake confused in my early years. No, Timbaland was not part of a famous boy band, and he never had a hairstyle akin to two minute noodles (as far as I know).

Speaking on an Instagram Live, Timbaland raved about The Weeknd’s new album, confidently comparing it to MJ’s Thriller.

“This album different, y’all. This shit right here on some Thriller shit. Trust me when I tell you, and the way he dropped this shit — yo! Congrats. This shit is amazing.”

In bold text on the video, he added: “This album is beyond great. We need a vinyl to this.”

To no one’s surprise, the comments blew up disagreeing with him. One Instagram commenter took to saying: “Definitely not even close … not in the same realm. I get where they were trying to go with the 80’s/futuristic sound, but the album just drags on and gets boring. Sorry.

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“Just because it’s a “concept album” doesn’t mean you should start comparing it to Thriller. That’s a MASSIVE reach.

“I think everything is so mediocre right now when people hear something that’s “ok” they over exaggerate it’s greatness.”

Wow. brutal.

And that’s only the beginning. A lot of people took to Twitter to express their displeasure. “Timbaland smoking dick,” one user tweeted. “Not this man just compare the Weeknd album to Michael Jackson Thriller album.”

Check out more tweets below:×34/status/1479994332144881666?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1479994332144881666%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&

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