Justice, the new Daft Punk?
Although ‘Civilization’ is sounding a little like Daft Punk have given Justice their producer for a couple of days, it’s a great track, perhaps even epic.
Civilization is the third track off Justice’s forthcoming album ‘Audio, Video, Disco’ which will be released towards the end of October 2011. The album will feature vocalists such as Vincenzi Vendetta from Midnight Juggernauts and Morgan Phalen from the Diamond Nights.
Justice “Civilization” High Quality by 1077 The End
One half of Justice, Xavier de Rosnay spoke to Pitchfork claiming “we are not good enough instrumentalists, and the fact that we don’t perform all of this live keeps it on the good side. We played everything on the album ourselves, but it took a long time to make it because we are not good players. And if it was played by real musicians, some of the songs would probably be a bit too ‘shred’.”
At least they’re honest…