Blue Wiggle Anthony Field is inviting Australians to get involved with Beyond Blue’s Big Blue Table initiative, which supports people dealing with anxiety and depression.
As a Big Blue Table ambassador, Field is encouraging everyone to host a meal and talk about mental health during Mental Health Month this October. All funds raised will go to Beyond Blue, which offers free 24/7 counseling and support for up to 800 people daily.
Field is teaming up with other ambassadors like Shelley Craft, Dr Matt Agnew, Julie Goodwin, and Nat’s What I Reckon to promote the cause. You can get involved by visiting to host a meal and create a safe space for discussing mental health.
Field, who has openly shared his own struggles with depression and panic attacks, is passionate about supporting this important cause.
“The excitable and exuberant persona that I showed outwardly during The Wiggles’ shows and concerts was a stark contrast to the broken and sad person that I was truly feeling on the inside, behind-the-scenes,” he explained.
“Making the decision to open up to people I trusted about what I was going through was pivotal to me finding the support, treatment and tools that I needed to manage my mental health challenges and find relief. Maintaining good mental health is an ongoing process – it’s not a case of flicking a switch and you’re cured for life, which is why it’s important to keep checking in with yourself as well as reaching out for help when you need it.
“Nearly half of all people in Australia will experience a
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Big Blue Table participants who register early to be a host receive a free host kit containing all the information and decorations needed to create a culinary and fundraising success. Included in the host kit are conversation starters featuring fun ‘getting to know you’ questions as well as mental wellbeing topics.
Beyond Blue CEO Georgie Harman said the organisation is delighted to have Anthony on board as a Big Blue Table ambassador and for his willingness to share his personal story to help break the stigma around speaking about mental health issues.
“Anthony’s story will be one that resonates with many people. Often people mask their mental health issues and continue to try to manage their life and responsibilities as best they can, hoping things will eventually improve. When we connect as people, checking in with each other and opening up about our mental health and wellbeing, we all do better. It’s important that people reach out, like Anthony did, but it’s also vital that we reach in to people who we may be worried about. Everyone experiences different levels of mental health at different stages in their life.
“Every dollar raised from your Big Blue Table will go towards the Beyond Blue Support Service so counsellors can provide immediate advice, support and referrals 24/7 at no cost to users. Beyond Blue is always available if you’re seeking support for your own mental health or supporting someone who’s going through a tough time.”
To find out more and register for your Big Blue Table event, visit
Big Blue Table is proudly supported by Premier Partner Australia Post.