2011 to 2014 was a great time to be a hip hop fan in Brisbane, when Sprung Festival was bringing names like Hilltop Hoods, Illy, 360, Drapht, Seth Sentry and Drapht to the Riverstage, not to mention the next wave of talent like Allday, Briggs, and Thundamentals.
It was on the verge of a Melbourne expansion when it suddenly and sadly disappeared, but the good news is that Sprung will officially be bringing the hip hop back in October, with a lineup set to drop this Friday.
“We have been waiting for the right time to bring Sprung back to the people,” organisers say. “We hit the ceiling pretty quickly when it came to headlining artists so we needed to allow the community to evolve.
“We are now seeing artists that were once on at midday on our stages taking to the headline spots and a whole new wave of incredible artists that we can’t wait to showcase.
“We think 2017 is going to be an incredible year for Sprung and hip hop as a whole,” they add. “Rest assured we are back for the long run and have some tricks up our sleeve for the years to come.”
Pre-sale tickets will go on sale Monday August 21 for $69 + b/f, with general admission out on Thursday August 24 for $79, so head to the website for more info and keep one eye out for the full lineup when it drops on Friday.
Sprung festival’s promo vid from way back in 2013
Sprung hip hop festival 2017
Saturday October 28, 2017
Parkwood, Queensland
Tickets and info here