American singer/songwriter Beth Hart possesses one of those voices that truly commands the listener to give their undivided attention. Incredibly versatile & affecting, this is a voice that can go from a whisper to a wail in the space of a heartbeat.

The musician’s latest studio release, Bang Bang Boom Boom, really sees her growing in confidence, backed by a cracking band.

Unlike those she has been compared to, such as Amy Winehouse & Janis Joplin, Hart battled and overcame addiction and undiagnosed depression and bipolar after early fame in the 90s. That courage and life experience shines through and infuses tracks on this collection, such as the delicate, haunting opener ‘Baddest Blues’ and the almost big-band feel of ‘Swing My Thing Back Around’.

Hart really excels in her ability to both let loose and hold back vocally, all the while avoiding over-singing – an easy trap that many singers fall into. There is a flexibility and complexity to her voice that is incredibly captivating to behold.

The singer-songwriter also has an incredible way with a love song. One of the standouts on this release is the stirring ‘There In Your Heart’, one of those tracks that makes the world around you simply stop.

As a bonus, the album closes with an utterly scorching live version of the classic Etta James track ‘I’d Rather Go Blind’. Assisted by guitar maestro Jeff Beck, this extraordinary reading is a wonderful distillation of everything that makes Hart such a vital talent.

Listen to ‘Bang Bang Boom Boom’ from the album Bang Bang Boom Boom here:

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