Basement Discs in Melbourne have a stonking line up for Record Store Day this coming Saturday and fans that drop by will be the big winners. They’ll be presenting live performances all day long from some of Melbourne’s finest artists including JEFF LANG, CHARLES JENKINS, THE WOLFGRAMM SISTERS, SEAN McMAHON’S WESTERN UNION, ABBIE CARDWELL, CHRIS WILSON, SARAH CARROLL, THE SPOILS, CASH SAVAGE and LITTLE JOHN.
There will be a Music Quiz and MC duties being handled by DAVE GRANEY, HENRY WAGONS, REBECCA BARNARD & RUSTY (Scared Weird Little Guys). There’ll also be a set discount on everything in the store, and a few very special limited Record-Store-Day-only releases. The store opens at 10am, live music starts at 11:30, with something for the whole family!
For anyone who went last year, you’ll know how much fun it can be! And if you didn’t come last year, to quote Dave Graney: “Step away from the computer and goof off in a record shop. I command youse!”