It’s been a while since the one-and-only domed frontman of Smashing Pumpkins offered some wacky diatribe, since spouting that he could be changing the band’s name or conversely talking about fame vs artistry; Billy Corgan has been pretty quiet since the announcement that he’s set to play the sold-out Splendour In The Grass Festival this July.
Today though, there’s a nice dose of WTF? news from the Pumpkins leader, as Corgan announces plans to launch his own independent pro-wrestling reality television show.
As previously reported, Corgan told Fox News in Chicago that “I’ve been involved sort of behind the scenes with pro wrestling for about a decade and made a lot of friends in the business.” Along with his plans to form his own promotional team and “try to bring back the glory days” of the entertainment sport.
Now Stereogum confirms that the Pumpkins man’s promotional squad, called Resistance Pro Wrestling, is looking at ways to bring their sweaty showmanship in the ring, to the small screen.
In a recent radio interview Corgan revealed, “We just signed a deal with a big reality show producer. A guy with an incredible track record.”
The aim of the Resistance Pro program would go behind-the-scenes on the “struggles independent wrestlers go through,” says Corgan. Adding that, “We believe that wrestling is fascinating on many many levels– socially, politically, even economically… those are real struggles that anybody can identify with. We want to show what goes on in a wrestling company behind the scenes.”
Movement on getting the proposed reality show off the ground are already in full swing, “I’ve had like nine or ten meetings so far about it with different people,” says Corgan, “A lot of them wanted to know if this would be your typical manufactured reality show, and I told them that with a wrestling company, you don’t have to manufacture reality. There’s plenty of it to go around.”