The music of Cash Savage has been described as “Country for the broken hearted, Blues for the debauched” and live show captivating, soul-wrenching and full of passion.

Cash will be performing at the Riverboats Music Festival taking place in Echuca­‐Moama in regional Victoria and southern New South Wales, from the 15th – 17th February. The food and wine, is locally sourced and the backdrop for this festival is the gorgeous Murray River. So we caught up with Cash to chat about her favourite tour van munchies, her biggest cooking disaster and what food she would love to have on her rider.

What were your food influences when you were growing up and what kind of food did you eat at home or with your family?

We ate a lot of meat and 3 veg, or 2 meat and 3 veg. also a lot of pasta, mum would make quite unconventional pasta sauces. i have never been able to match them.

What dish or cuisine do you most like to eat on tour and why?

We eat a lot of Laksa and Pho, probably mostly because of the price. Sydney has a ridiculous amount of pubs that sell $10 steaks so we often eat steaks when we are there but we get to a point when we just can’t eat any more chips, so we end up back on the Pho. Joe is exceptionally good at finding very tasty pho for under $10.

What type of food do you hate, and what is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten? 

I don’t really hate any food, I’m not a huge fan of salmon. The most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted was when I was about 15. My mum had made up some cordial in a milk bottle, one of those opaque white ones. I picked it up to take a swig out of it but I had picked up an old milk container that was full of old vegetable oil. It was fucking disgusting.

What type of food do you make sure to avoid before a gig or going on stage?

I don’t really like eating at all in the hour before a gig.

Imagine for a second you can request anything on your rider at the upcoming Riverboats Music Festival. What food do you put on it?

Probably a bunch of things I could nibble on. Things like cheese and biscuits and duck pate, as well as garlic prawns and salt and pepper squid pieces.

What has been your biggest cooking disaster to date? 

I once called a friend to come over very late in the night. When she got there my house was full of smoke because I had fallen asleep after putting pastizzis in the oven.

When are your favourite tour van munchies?

I’m a big fan of jerky.

What is the best festival food you have ever eaten and what festival was it at?

My favourite festival food is those breakfast doughnuts. I don’t know what they are actually called but they are bacon and eggs in a pastry deep fried. I remember someone got me one once and it took me 3 years of going to the same festival to find the shop that sold them.

This is your last day on earth, what would your final breakfast meal be?

Something with bacon and hollandaise, and definitely no cooked tomato.

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