Crosses is yet another side project of Deftones vocalist Chino Moreno, backed by Chuck Doom and Far guitarist, Shaun Lopez. Together the trio have created a slab of ambient, electronic work that is lustful, moody, and daringly infectious.

Opener ‘This Is A Trick’ is a good example of the wide variety that the record has to offer. You’ll often find yourself singing along to the song’s chorus, as well as the lead single ‘Bitches Brew’. Following that, ‘Telepathy’ incorporates club and house vibes, and the ominous ‘Nineteen Eighty Seven’ makes for a darker second half.

The downside to the album is that, while some of the songs are new, the fact that the majority of the tracks originate from the group’s previous two EPs means that fans will feel like they’ve heard it before. The unique track listing spices things up a bit, but the feeling of familiarity still lingers.

Due to the record being a mixed bag, some songs stand out more than others. If you ignore the fact that two-thirds of the album has already been made available for years, then you’ll likely find something to enjoy here.

Crosses is dramatic, atmospheric, and sure to be a hit for anyone who appreciates Moreno’s signature vocals – and it’s probably the closest thing we’ll ever get to another Team Sleep record.

Listen to ‘This Is A Trick’ from Crosses here:

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