Barely 18 months on from their last record, English glam-rockers The Darkness have announced their next record, Easter Is Cancelled.
Back in late 2017, The Darkness unleashed the third album since their 2011 reunion, releasing Pinewood Smile into the world.
Arguably their worst-charting record to date, the group’s loyal fans ate it right up, treating it as another exceptional album from the group who never like to take themselves too seriously.
Now, as we get closer to the Easter period, the group’s jovial attitude is on full display, announcing their sixth album, Easter Is Cancelled.
Check out a promo video for The Darkness’ Easter Is Cancelled:

Set for release in October (clearly getting in early for next Easter), the album’s cover (which you can see below) features what appears to be members of the band beating down Roman guards as Jesus appears to escape from the bonds of crucifixion.
While there’s no word yet as to what Catholic church officials have to say, the album cover definitely does what the title suggests.
“We live in dark times,” explains frontman Justin Hawkins in a promotional video for the record. “As power-hungry clowns cast a shadow of despair across the land, our people cower in tumbledown hovels.”
“The children do not dance and the birds are silent. Hope is crushed! Where are the heroes that this world needs, the heroes that this world deserves?”
“Cast aside despair, people, for the tide will turn! We are men in tight costumes, and we are ready to fight with every weapon that the forefathers have bequeathed – the guitar axe, the drum hammer, the bejewelled codpiece, and the banshee wail of righteous anger.”
“Nor shall we be cowed by the nay-sayers, nor bought off by the money lenders, nor gagged by the reeking stench of pious indifference that pours from the orifices of the clown-lords,” they continue.
“Cometh the time, cometh the band. We are The Darkness and we bring you Light!”
With the group reportedly gearing up to announce new tour dates soon (no word if Australia will be included), pre-orders for the record are available now, with its release date currently set for October 4th.
Check out The Darkness’ ‘All The Pretty Girls’:

Check out the artwork for The Darkness’ Easter Is Cancelled: