After a slew of media confusions and misunderstood emails from contractors, many individuals, including us, believed that Drip World Festival 2019 would be postponed indefinitely. However, after new announcements, the previous statements of a postponed festival have been retracted, and Drip World Festival will be going ahead as planned.
The team over at Drip World Festival, which is being held on Saturday the 31st at Parramatta Park, and then on three other dates in Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth, have officially issued this statement:
“Drip World is a transparent company. If we have any announcements to make that affect the public, we will make them first on our social media platforms and also to our databases. Our team doesn’t want to spend any more time and energy dealing with rumours and speculations that are taken out of context. We honestly just want all of our teams focus to go towards building an amazing live concert experience.”
So where did the confusion initially come from? Well, emails were sent out on August 20th stating that the festival would be postponed. However, this email was later retracted. No official announcement of the festival being postponed was made on social media or on the databases, but the rumour mill was alive and well.
We wrote an article detailing the facts on how many negative rumours and announcements have been circling “Australia’s largest urban music festival”, which you can read HERE.
These misunderstandings involving cancellation/postponing rumours just simply add to the rounds of negative press that have been circling Drip World Festival in the previous weeks. The last thing we intend to do is misinform or add to unclear speculation, we simply mean to report on fact, and intend to do so moving forward. The team at Drip World Festival are now setting their focus on pulling off an incredible show next week. Famous international acts such as Migos, French Montan, Akon and Lil Baby are scheduled to make appearances at the ticketed event.
We apologise for any inconvenience our previous articles may have caused, and look to keep you updated on Drip World Festival with utmost accuracy.