Tim Rogers and Lance Ferguson are gearing up to drop their debut album Substance and or Style on November 15th, marking the first full-length release from their new project, The Ferguson Rogers Process.

After hitting it off during a backstage hang at a Melbourne show years ago, the two finally reconnected to create music that didn’t quite fit under their previous work as Tim Rogers & the Bamboos.

This latest project promises a unique blend of dirty disco and groove-heavy rock. Ferguson explained the idea behind the process, saying, “I like to think that ‘The Process’ in this case is hopefully what happens when someone experiences the music.”

As a teaser for what’s to come, their second single, “Dirty-Clean,” is out now. It leans hard into the album’s disco roots, encouraging everyone to embrace the mess of life while moving to the beat.

According to Rogers, “the sink is your shrink,” reminding us that sometimes you’ve just got to dive into things without worrying about the cleanup.

The pair have history, with Rogers guesting on The Bamboos’ hit track “I Got Burned” in 2012.

The track became one of the biggest Australian songs of the year, leading to two sold-out national tours and an acclaimed album.

But The Ferguson Rogers Process is something different, with Rogers saying he couldn’t wait to get involved: “When Lance called me… and told me he had ten songs written with the express intention of being dance songs, I jumped like Catfish Hunter to the lil’ red desk and got writing.”

The new album features ten tracks produced by Ferguson, with him also playing most of the instruments alongside longtime collaborator Graeme Pogson on drums and percussion.

Recorded and mixed by John Castle, who’s worked with the likes of Vance Joy and Alex Lahey, Substance And Or Style promises to bring a groove-heavy, unmissable experience.

Substance and or Style is out November 15th via Impressed Recordings. Pre-save here.

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