The CBAA and FNMA have extended the deadline for First Sounds, a unique initiative to get more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists heard across Australian radio.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Australian community radio is set to receive a bit of a shake-up, with The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) and First Nations Media Australia (FNMA) teaming up to create First Sounds.

A series of compilations curated by FNMA’s indigiTUBE with a select panel of First Nations individuals, the initiative operates with the intention of developing more awareness of regional, remote and city-living Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and the songs and stories they have to share.

Likewise, First Sounds aims to ensure that new and emerging First Nations artists have a clear pathway to develop an audience through community radio.

As part of the First Sounds launch, unsigned First Nations artists have been urged to submit their music for the debut compilation via indigiTUBE. Once submitted, the tunes will go before the selection panel, which features leading First Nations artists Leah Flanagan, and Warren H Williams.

With such a great response already, the initial deadline of Saturday, November 30th has since been extended, with submissions now required to be in by Friday, December 14th.

Shellie Morris, a celebrated singer-songwriter who also joins the selection panel, has expressed her excitement for the new pathways that the initiative will create.

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“What an amazing initiative supporting First Nations artists, and a great way to share our songs and music across this country,” Morris explains.

“It is so important to have this opportunity for our First Nations Artists, creating opportunities and building a better nationwide perspective on our stories and culture.

“Through CBAA’s Amrap and indigiTUBE collaborating together, this will enable so many artists to get their songs out there to be heard and appreciated by so many.”

The best news to come from all this is that even if you don’t make the cut for the debut compilation, your music will still be included on the Amrap and indigiTUBE online platforms, meaning that your music will be made available to community radio playlists all over the country.

First Sounds 1 is set to be delivered via Amrap to community radio stations and broadcasters all over Australia in February of 2020, so keep your eyes – and ears – peeled because this is going to be a stunning release.

Check out ‘Footsteps’ by Shellie Morris:

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