Gene Simmons is the bassist and vocalist from Kiss, which means he is also one of the chief executives of the Kiss merchandise army, which is a multi-million dollar company that will live decades past the band.
Simmons funneled his business nous into 2014’s Me, Inc.: Build An Army Of One, Unleash Your Inner Rock God, Win In Life And Business but three years later, he has gained enough extra intel to fill a new book: On Power.
On radio show ‘The Ride with JMV’, Simmons explained: “”There are certainly enough economists in the world who have broken through the glass ceiling and taken the message out there that we’ve always assumed that the top should only be the people that are the smartest and the richest and all that stuff, and that the masses — the great unwashed masses — can never attain the heights, and that is patently untrue.”
The book won’t be out until November, which gives you enough time to bone up on his first tome.