Producer Brayden Sibbald makes luscious folk-inflected electronic music inspired by his hometown, the quiet coastal reprieve of Dunsborough, Western Australia. Sibbald has mastered the art of capturing a feeling with his electro-acoustic tones. His music swells with wist and whimsy.

Last month, Sibbald released what we think is his strongest offering yet, ‘Thin Air’.

“’Thin Air’ is a track about letting go of the self-created things that hold you back, and prevent you from moving forward,” he explains.  “I find it really easy to create things or situations in my head which hold me back from further development. I think writing about it is my way to make myself really aware of that, and try and catch myself doing it.”

Upon hearing ‘Thin Air’ we were simply desperate to know more about this elusive artist, so we sent him through a couple burning Get To Know Questions. Check out what Brayden had to say below.

What’s coming up around the corner for you?

I’m releasing a new EP in the next couple of months and will be putting out another single soon from it along with a few shows to launch it into the world.

How would you describe your music to your grandma?

Electronic but sometimes I still play the acoustic guitar.

Tell us about a few of your tracks; their titles and what they’re about?

‘Thin Air’ is my most recent single. It’s about letting go of the self-created pitfalls that hold you back and preventing you from growing. I’m  really good at creating these so I guess in some way writing about it is my way of acknowledging it and trying to improve on it.

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‘Float’ is the title track of my last EP. It’s about the fact that no matter how hard things seemand how far down you go you can always get back up again. So in essence – Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.

‘I Am the Master Saboteur’ is my favourite track off the upcoming EP at the moment. I came to the realisation only fairly recently that you are totally in charge of your own life and how you react to things – either in a positive way or a negative way – which seems like a pretty straightforward thing that everyone knows but it really opened my eyes a lot. That you are the only one that can make it better for yourself but also the only one that can really mess it up.

What do you love about your hometown?

I grew up and still live in Dunsborough – I love how quiet and surrounded by nature it is, and the fact that you’re only ever a stone’s throw away from the beach.

Career highlight so far?

I won two WAM awards and released a song under the Kite String Tangle’s label.

Favourite non-music hobby?

Me and my girlfriend embraced out inner retiree and joined our local country club to play tennis. It’s actually really fun!

What’s on your dream rider?

A six pack of beers and room full of indoor plants.

Dream music collaboration?

James Blake or Bon Iver.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Playing and writing music in some form or another – hopefully travelling around to cool new places with a family.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Kiss From a Rose – what more do you want in a song.

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