Emerging from the pack as one of this country’s most exciting and uniquely charismatic artists, Okenyo is making her mark (and making her voice heard) on the local music landscape.
Turning heads here and internationally with the release of her 2015 single ‘Just
A Story’ and then working with label mate Urthboy and the now already iconic Sampa The Great on the warm and uplifting ‘Second Heartbeat’, Okenyo is now cementing herself as one to watch with the release of her new single ’10 Feet Tall’.
A stunning song with a powerful message ’10 Feet Tall’ is Okenyo’s call to action, as she explains “Sometimes before you know it you’re stuck in a way of living and it feels almost impossible to make a change, to break habits. But if it isn’t enough, why stay the same? ’10 Feet Tall’ is a manifesto for the future: stand tall and claim your power.”
We caught up with Okenyo to get to know a little more about her and her exciting new work. For more info on upcoming Okenyo shows and releases stay locked to her Facebook page.
I’m an actor and a singer/songwriter. I grew up all around Australia and have lived in Sydney for 13 years. I love being an artist because I get to see life through the spectacular prism of creativity and vulnerability. I also am completely obsessed with my cat and obsessed with cooking.
main inspirations
The people around me inspire me. Those that love and support me and vice versa. I am probably more inspired by literature, paintings and art in general that being inspired by other artists. I’m terrible at keeping up to date with current music I’m still playing Tribe Called Quest’s The Love Movement on repeat. But also, that’s an amazing album.
Teaming Up With Elefant Traks
It started when I worked with Tim (Urthboy) on Second Heartbeat. We had a great time writing together and I think it was his way of checking me out from a label point of view (he is the head of Elefant Traks), seeing who I was as a person and as an artist. He is a very encouraging guy and a very genuine artist and that feel definitely permeates throughout the whole ET family.
Working with Urthboy and Sampa the Great
Great fun! Sampa and Urthboy had already written parts of the track before I joined in and we only really had one or two sessions all together but the song is perfect for having a few artists on it, it’s such an uplifting and positive track. Urthboy is a super collaborative guy and as it was my first proper co-write, it was the perfect environment for inspiration. All that teamed with Sampa’s lyrical eloquence and it was a great mix!
Story Behind ’10 Feet Tall’
It’s about empowerment. It’s about being strong and knowing there is and can be more. That might mean in relationships, in life, in work, or just in general as a woman. Not that the song isn’t inclusive of all genders but being a woman, my view is particularly feminist and the older I get it becomes more of an imperative to view and assess the way we interact through this lens as opposed to not challenging pre-existing ideologies.
Personally I’m most interested in gender, sexuality and race. I wanted the song to be uplifting or offer hope in whatever way it feels right for the listener. I was also really adamant the music video showcase a range of diverse and unique women. Too often we subscribe to what it means to be beautiful when in actual fact, everyone is beautiful because each person matters.
As a performer and as someone who has the privilege of having a public voice, I take it as my responsibility to challenge the norm and not feed back into archaic philosophies. Not that I am perfect at articulating that but I am making sure I try to be a conscious person.
How ’10 Feet Tall’ Came About
I did a great songwriting intensive called 50 Songs in 5 Days organised by power couple Robert and Leonie Conley and APRA. You get together every morning and are put with random producers and writers and you have to have a full song by the end of the day.
It’s amazing what you can come up with when positive restrictions are in place. Anyway, one day I worked with Mario Spate (BadCop) and Taka Perry and wrote ’10 Feet Tall’. I had no idea it was going to become my next single and in fact on the day we were all really tired (day 4 of 5) and so it’s kind of funny really but actually great things can come when you’re in different mind states.
I think the content is something I’ve been wanting to write about for a while but I guess it was lying around in my subconscious somewhere! Mario was amazing a facilitating my writing process and we instantly found a great work flow.
Fave Aussie Artists
Brisbane artist/band MKO Sun are my absolute favourite. Formerly MKO and lead by the incredible Hannah Macklin, the sound is epic and dirty but classically stunning all at once. I just want everyone to hear them and for it to all blast off into outer space.
Plans for 2016
Loads of writing I think! Starting the national tour with Urthboy and LFresh the Lion very soon and testing out a solo version of my live show which has been super challenging and rewarding. I’m writing an EP and hoping to expand my co-writing skills as well. There’ll be more shows as well a bit down the track.