The extensive music memorabilia collection of iconic Australian rock journalist Glenn A. Baker has officially found a new home.

Winarch Group’s Founder and Director, Paul Lambess, has acquired the collection, which is renowned for its sheer volume and cultural significance.

Glenn A. Baker, often dubbed Australia’s “rock brain of the universe,” started collecting his archives in the early 1960s, accumulating over 80,000 items that span the realms of vinyl records, CDs, magazines, fanzines, music videos, and much more.

The collection also includes exclusive memorabilia from musical legends like Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, and Jimi Hendrix, with entire sections dedicated to these giants of rock ‘n’ roll history.

Baker expressed his satisfaction in knowing his collection will remain intact: “I’m so pleased that my archives are not going to be broken up and have ended up with someone like Paul, a former musician, who is going to treat the collection with the respect it deserves and share it with music lovers.”

Lambess, himself a passionate music enthusiast, has no intention of selling off the collection in parts.

“Glenn has put together one of the most impressive collections of music memorabilia, and as a music lover, the fact that it’s an entire collection is so cool. We have no intention of splitting it up,” he said.

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Winarch Group’s Director is equally excited about preserving the legacy that Baker has built over the years. Lambess added, “The true value of this collection lies in Glenn’s memories. We look forward to collaborating with him to capture the stories and emotions behind each piece of memorabilia.”

While Baker’s collection is not yet catalogued, Lambess plans to take on the enormous task of organising it. “It’s going to be a huge but exciting job to organise and catalogue the entire collection so we can put it on display for music lovers to enjoy.”

Previously, Baker’s collection made headlines when it was put up for auction, with thousands of vinyl records, tapes, and books garnering interest from collectors across the globe.

Described by Lloyds Auctions as “one of the largest music collections in the country,” Baker’s archives feature everything from ’70s and ’80s rock memorabilia to fanzines like Tiger Beat and Rolling Stone, alongside rare photo stills and rock movies.

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