Back in January, we reported how cryptic posters around London teased a reunion by the infamous and oddball KLF (or The JAMs, or The Timelords, or The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, whatever), but now there is an official announcement as to their return, and it’s not what we were expecting.
As NME reports, the group have announced that after 23 years of mysterious inactivity, there is set to be a new event by The KLF in Liverpool on August 23rd. The only catch is that there isn’t going to be any music.
That’s right. A ‘situation’ entitled ‘Liverpool: Welcome To The Dark Ages’’ is set to commence on the date, running for three days, with each day having a different focus. Only 400 tickets are set to be made available, and even then those tickets will go exclusively to ‘volunteers’. The poster notes that “volunteers will be called upon to perform duties”, and that “there is no guest list or red carpet”.
The titles for the each event have been revealed as ‘Why Did The K Foundation Burn A Million Quid?’, ‘2023: What The Fuuk Is Going On?’, and ‘The Rites of MuMufication’, on August 23rd, 24th, and 25th, respectively. If you want to try and gather any further information, attempt to do so by visiting the event’s website.
Notably, the group’s new book, entitled 2023: A Trilogy, will also be released on the date that the event begins. In the meantime, check out the video made to promote the event below.