Our heads are still spinning from news earlier in the week that former Kyuss members Josh Homme and Scott Reeder has launched a lawsuit against their former bandmates, John Garcia, Nick Oliveri and Brant Bjork, claiming that the newly formed Kyuss Lives! is engaged in trademark infringement, misrepresentation, and false designation.
“To think we went to a meeting in January solely to help them with their request to continue Kyuss Lives!” wrote Homme and Reeder in a prepared statement. “With open arms, we made every attempt to help them continue Kyuss Lives! respectfully.”
“Only to discover while they looked us in the eye, Kyuss Lives! management and band had filed federal documents in 2011 in an attempt to steal the name Kyuss. This is desperately what we were trying to avoid. It’s a sad day for us and for John — but most of all for the fans. What a needless mess.”
Now the Garcia and Bjork have responded to the lawsuit saying they hope the matter can be resolved privately. “We are both shocked and saddened that our friend and one time band mate has chosen to file a lawsuit against us,” they said.
“Especially after having positive discussions since our reformation. We look forward to resolving this private matter behind closed doors and moving forward with work on our new album and connecting with our amazing, loyal fans.”
It isn’t the only problem facing Kyuss Live however. Over the weekend Oliveri pled not guilty to multiple charges stemming from a five-hour drug-fuelled stand-off he had with the Los Angeles SWAT team last year. If convicted he faces 15 years in prison.