You might remember back in February of last year, Spiderbait were desperately searching for the “f***stick” who urinated on a woman at their Melbourne gig. Now, almost 18 months after the incident, the man has been sentenced for his actions.
As The Age reports, Joel Ryan Morrison, who originally denied urinating on Belle Nolan on February 26th of last year, has been fined $800 for his actions. Morrison eventually admitted to his crime in an attempt to be put on the Court’s diversion program, in hopes of avoiding a criminal record.
Magistrate Franz Holzer believed that diversion was not enough given the seriousness of his actions. “I’m going to refuse the application,” Mr Holzer said “The matters are frankly disgusting.” Morrison was given a 12-month good behaviour bond, on the condition that he pay $800 to charity. The charge of unlawful assault was withdrawn.
The court heard that Morrison had drank ten cans of beer prior to heading along to the gig at 170 Russell in Melbourne. “The level of intoxication doesn’t excuse it,” Mr Holzer said. “But it does provide some explanation how someone got themselves in this predicament. He was clearly not in the right mind at the time.”
Nolan had said that the incident had lowered her self esteem and left her traumatised. “It was a really horrible experience,” she said. “I find it hard to believe someone could get that drunk to do that in a public place.”