It’s good to see that the 50 year old rivalry between Mick Jagger and Keith Richards has extended to their offspring. Less than a year after Richards’ daughter Alexandra showed that she was better than Some Girls for French Playboy, Jagger’s daughter Elizabeth has decided to give readers of American Playboy a bit of Brown Sugar by showing off her tanned and lithe body, with her tresses of brown hair arranged in a tasteful fashion to preserve her modesty. Check out some [NSFW] pics (for research purposes, of course) here.
Not only is Mick’s eldest daughter keeping up with the Joneses’ (or should we say Richards’) she’s also taking after her mother, Texan former supermodel Jerry Hall, who posed for Playboy in 1985. Her mother, however, wasn’t too pleased, apparently, over 27 year old Lizzy’s initial decision to get her kit off some six years ago, reckoning that it’d give her a 19th Nervous Breakdown.
However, now that she’s in her late 20s, Lizzy has declared that Time Is On Her Side, according to an interview accompanying the photo shoot, saying “They understood that when you don’t know when you’re going to have kids, it’s nice to have wonderful pictures of your 20-something-self. At 27 I feel comfortable expressing myself through my body.”
No doubt Rolling Stones fans will be rushing out to grab this must have Stones collectible item when it hits newsagents and adult book stores next month.
Speaking of hot daughters of rock stars, don’t forget to check out slideshow of the Hottest Daughters Of Rock N Roll