For though uninitiated it’s time to meet Maverick Sabre. A lauded purveyor of UK neo-soul with his own solo career, in Australia he is renowned as the voice of Hilltop Hoods hit singles ‘I Won’t Let You Down’ and ‘Live and Let Go’.
Following the release of this is sophomore album Innerstanding (released late 2015 on Virgin EM) Maverick arrived in Australia this week to support the Hilltop Hoods on their massive Restrung National tour, playing his- a gospel-tinged, sun-soaked slice of funk and soul in arenas across the nation.
To celebrate his visit and to get to know him a little better, we asked Sabre to craft us a mixtape featuring his favourite UK hip hop talents. Check it out below and don’t miss him on the road with the Hilltop Hoods.
Upcoming Tour Dates
With the Hilltop Hoods.
Sat Apr 23 – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, VIC
Sat Apr 30 – Perth Arena, Perth, WA
Klashnekoff – Murda
Hearing Klashnekoff was a turning point for me in UK hip hop,specially him being from Hackney (where I was born) there was something about his lyrics,delivery and production that connected with me more than most,and ‘Murda’ incapsulates all of that’
Skinnyman – Council Estate Of Mind
Skinnyman being another big influence of mine,his lyrics and storytelling always were filled with truth and knowledge.’Council Estate Of Mind’ is not just a Uk Hip Hop classic but a classic in general’
Loyle Carner – Ain’t nothing changed
Brand new artist here..but bringing real uk hip hop back to life..with a smooth tone and beautiful lyrics and music to match this is something fresh to keep an eye out for!
TaskForce – Junkyard Music
TaskForce a duo from north London always bring you straight into London with the energy and stories within their music..Junkyard music is one of my favourite Uk Hip Hop tunes..Always a great sense of honesty within their tunes
Jesse James Soloman – The Ride Home
Another new young lyricist here with great presence on a record…this tune has got an infectious chorus and Jesse’s tone is just as addictive..another mc to look out for!
Logic – Spectator
This is a tune and a video that needs to be seen & heard…Striking real lyrics that are much needed right now…this is a very hard hitting powerful song from another well seasoned UK hip hop general
Plan B – ill Manors
This tunes bangs, has a story to tell, and issues to address in our society. This will speak to you, make you want to bang your head, and go out and fight for change all in one)