Over 100 emergency physicians and healthcare workers across Australia, New Zealand and UK have performed an emotional online version of the Crowded House hit ‘Better Be Home Soon’and the band have given the rendition a thumbs up.

The moving video was performed physicians and health workers are part of a group called ED Musos that formed in the early days of the pandemic, and now boasts more than 400 members.

Dr Clare Skinner, who arranged the epic performance, said that the group wanted to pick a song that had meaning to Australians and New Zealanders, with a poll seeing the Crowded House track come out on top.

She added that she also wanted to use a track that symbolised how many healthcare workers were feeling amid the pandemic.

“We’re all feeling homesick and separated from people during the pandemic. We’re really desperate to see our loved ones and colleagues in other places,” Skinner said.

Crowded House has since shown their appreciation for the nod by sharing the video on their social media, with Neil Finn saying he was “deeply moved” by the tribute.

crowded house

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“Our admiration and respect for the health workers on the frontline of care for Covid patients and all people in need just keeps growing,” Finn began.

“Somehow in the midst of long and difficult hours, for the love and support of our community, they managed to put together this spectacular rendition of ‘Better be Home Soon’.

“It’s a joy to watch, I’m deeply moved and we are forever grateful to them. Thank you one and all.”

New Zealand physician Dr Kim Yates, who also participated in the performance, said that Dr Skinner and audio producer Christopher Wiseman had created a protect that was “good for your soul”.

“It gives you a musical project. I personally think music is good for your soul,” Yates said.

“It was good for mental health and wellbeing. Then there’s a chance to do it with other like-minded people and do something together, make something with heart that you can share with everyone, and try to uplift other people,” Yates added.

Check out the cover of Crowded House hit ‘Better Be Home Soon’:

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