Another day, another dose of Gotye news. This time the certified global superstar is set to work with Katy Perry’s hitmaker Dr. Luke.
With the all-conquering Somebody That I Used To Know sitting at the top of the US charts for three weeks running, as well as cracking 200 million views on YouTube as one of the site’s most-watched videos of all-time; Gotye was afforded the chance to meet with songwriter/producer Dr. Luke in his LA home.
Wally ‘Gotye’ De Backer recently told Rolling Stone, “I went up to his place in the Hollywood Hills…” and reports Dr. Luke asked him directly to work with him, “I’d do it out of curiosity. Like, ‘Who is this person and what would I write for them? How do I wanna play with their vibe?’ That’s the most interesting question for me.”
The obvious answer would be Luke’s long-time collaborator, the bubbly Katy Perry. The prospect excites De Backer who added, “I’m a fan… I like what she does with her voice.”
The feeling is definitely mutual, Perry already tweeting her admiration for Gotye long before his domination of US TV’s Saturday Night Live and Jimmy Kimmel; as well as cover versions featured on Glee and American Idol.
Perry tweeted last September, “new music discovery (for me!). Check out Gotye, specifically this song ft. Kimbra… The Lyrics are so true!” before later adding, “actually now I’ve bought the whole Gotye record Making Mirrors and I suggest you should too. It’s going to be my favourite I can tell.”
Perry, along with the original singing partner who pulled out, must be kicking herself that she missed out on the ubiquitous duet – a slot filled by the NZ-born Melbourne-based songstress Kimbra – that went on to sell over 6 million copies worldwide, going #1 in 16 countries.
Perry may well get her chance if Gotye takes up Dr. Luke’s offer. Further proof that it’s Gotye’s world, we’re all just living in it.