So we guess this means D12 isn’t coming to Perth after all despite the promoters assertions they would only a few hours ago? A noticed posted on Heatwave Perth’s official Facebook page gave fans in the most isolated city in the world the bad news saying:
We regret to inform you that due to circumstances out of our control, HeatWave Perth has been cancelled. All ticket buyers will be refunded fully. MURDA-US Productions apologises to Perth for what is a great loss to us all. We thank you for all of your support, and again sincerely apologise to everyone affected.
The event cancellation is just the latest in a string of mishaps for the festival, including the recent investigation by the NSW Department of Fair Trading who have demanded the festival offer refunds to those who want them in Sydney due to misleading advertising.
Back in December when the festival was first announced we outlined the inherent problems the festival would face and asked the question whether it was a disaster waiting to happen.
Although we don’t like to see yet another festival fall by the waist side it appears our worst fears are indeed starting to come true. Reports from around the country point to low numbers in Adelaide, Brisbane, and Sydney.
Heatwave have been trying desperately to fill the Enmore Theatre tonight by giving away literally hundreds of tickets via social media and to some of the support acts to hand out to fans.
With Perth now cancelled only the Melbourne and Canberra dates remain. We’ve been told by the promoter that D12, who have not yet arrived in Australia and have thus far missed three of the six events, will be performing at the Melbourne and Canberra events.
Although the promoters also told fans that the group would be performing in Perth only a few hours ago so we’re taking any statements they make with a grain of salt.