Just a few months on from the release of their surprise record ‘Mesmer’, Sydney’s Northlane have surprised their fans yet again, only this time, it’s not a new record, it’s a national tour.
Having only just wrapped up their last national tour at the end of June, the metalcore outfit have decided that enough time has passed, and that they want to bring their music to the fans yet again.
The group’s five-date October tour will see them hitting up Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, and Brisbane, only a couple of weeks after they perform at Wollongong’s Yours & Owls festival.
Tickets go on sale this Friday, so if you’re a Northlane fan, you won’t want to miss seeing the group bring their intense live shows to your city. Let’s also not forget, after their last tour announcement, the group dropped a surprise record, so who knows what they’ll have in store by the time October rolls around.

Northlane ‘Mesmer’ Tour Dates
Thursday, October 19th
The Gov, Adelaide, SA
Friday, October 20th
170 Russell, Melbourne, Vic
Saturday, October 21st
Amplifier Capitol, Perth, WA
Friday, October 27th
Enmore Theatre, Sydney, NSW
Saturday, October 28th
Max Watts, Brisbane, QLD
Tickets available July 14th, via Live Nation