Michael Angelakos from Passion Pit has been a little quiet over the last little while. With Passion Pit’s 2015 Aussie tour being cancelled due to Angelakos falling ill, fans have been waiting anxiously for something new from Angelakos, whether it be a new tour, or new music. Well, the good news is that Passion Pit now have a new album, and it’s free if you head over to Twitter.
In February of this year, Angelakos started to upload a number of Passion Pit tracks to a YouTube account titled ‘The Wishart Group’, which is the same name as a project started by Angelakos dedicated to helping musicians, focusing on mental health issues. The songs were taken down recently, but better things came in their place, namely in the way of Passion Pit’s new record, Tremendous Sea Of Love, which was released yesterday.
As Pitchfork reports, this last week saw neuroscientist Michael F. Wells and fellow researcher Erika Siegel take over the band’s Twitter account to answer questions relating to mental health and scientific research being done in that field. Now, Angelakos has taken to Twitter to announce that if people retweet one of his tweets, they will receive the new album for free, and those who retweet while asking a question about mental health will receive a free bonus track.
follow @mfwells5 because he is part of 40 scientists on the hill that are trying to raise money, because they’re trying to save lives.
— #seaoflove (@passionpit) March 23, 2017
and if you retweet this, and spread it, reply to this tweet with your email and i’ll send you a digital copy of Tremendous Sea of Love https://t.co/BAE7u51adT
— #seaoflove (@passionpit) March 23, 2017
we’re sharing the account while he’s on the hill. ask the dude any questions, use #weneedscience — those who ask ?’s will get bonus mp3 ✌️
— #seaoflove (@passionpit) March 23, 2017
With mental health becoming a topic of greater importance every day, it’s brilliant to be able to see musicians raise awareness of these issues that affect not only themselves, but their dedicated fans.
If you or someone you know is experiencing depression or anxiety, please call Lifeline on 131 114 or beyondblue on 1300 224 636 for help or information.