What were your food influences when you were growing up and what kind of food did you eat at home or with your family?

The biggest food influence would be burgers and fries man! Born and raised in Los Angeles. It’s just flippin delicious!

My family would always sit together family Sunday and we would eat spaghetti or have a BBQ. Nothin beats BBQ ribs brutha!

What dish or cuisine do you most like to eat on tour and why?

Filet Mignon! Butterflied, medium well! My reason why is because I want to give it my all when I am djing at a rave or a club. When your djing up there in front of a huge crowd. You better know what your doing and take the crowd to another level!!

What type of food do you hate, and what is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten? 

I love everything, I will try many things once. What is the point of living on this planet if you don’t know what you like and don’t like right? Food is essential to everything!!!

What type of food do you make sure to avoid before a gig or going on stage?

Never have anything with milk and lemon combined together! It is a mix that just doesn’t go with any beat.

Imagine for a second you can request anything on your rider at a gig. What food do you put on it?

The OX BURGER!!!! I was down in Adelaide while my friend was working on a show called Humphrey Bear Bear. Funny show man! And I would go jogging all the time. We were close to the Oxford Hotel so one day I stopped by and ate one! It was amazing. Better than any burger I’ve tasted!

What has been your biggest cooking disaster to date? 

I tried to make this strawberry pie for this girl for her birthday. Since she loved strawberries. I made her favorite dinner, (chicken alfredo) and the whole bit champagne and all. But as I was making her the pie from scratch she came to my house early and was surprized that I made her dinner. Lets just say we didn’t have dinner but there were strawberries on the kitchen table, the floor, flour, honey, toppings everywhere. The pie was never made. But we did wake up on the kitchen floor. :-)

When you tour overseas, what food from home do you miss the most?

HA!HA! Strawberry Pies!

This is your last day on earth, what is your final meal?

The Oxford burger!

Pedro is playing a DJ set in Melbourne on Good Friday
Pedro – Napoleon Dynamite’s best Bro – DJ Set
The Espy Gershwin Room Friday April 6 (Good Friday). FREE ENTRY!

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