In case you keep out of US politics (good decision), then you might have missed conservative trolls trying to take down Democratic congresswoman and millennial we all aspire to be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this tweet.
…High School video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Congratulations New York!
— Dan Jordan (@realdanjordan) January 2, 2019
The clip is part of a longer video the congresswoman featured in during her college days back in 2010 where her and some chums recreate the Breakfast Club dance to Phoenix’s infectious tune Liztomania.
‘Cause there’s nothing more frighting to conservatives that young people having fun and dancing.
The attempted smear backfired spectacularly with everyone from comedian Patton Oswald to Breakfast Club-er Molly Ringwald offering their delighted support.
That’s it, Alexandria you’re in the club! ❤️❤️ @allysheedy1 #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #DemsTakeTheHouse
— Molly Ringwald (@MollyRingwald) January 4, 2019
Now, French band Phoenix has come out and tweeted congratulated Ocasio-Cortez on being the youngest congresswoman in history (and probably for reminding us all how obsessed we were with Liztomania).
@AOC ,
Congratulations on being the youngest woman ever being elected to Congress!
Tendrement, Phoenix
💘— Phoenix (@wearephoenix) January 4, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez doubled down, releasing another video of her dancing, this time as a congresswoman. So now that everyone involved has responded we can strike one up for ‘lovely things to come out of US politics in the last year’ bringing the grand total to one.
I hear the GOP thinks women dancing are scandalous.
Wait till they find out Congresswomen dance too! 💃🏽
Have a great weekend everyone :)
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 4, 2019