It’s been a lean couple of years for Western Australian musician Shaun Pickett, but now, he has made his welcome return with the launch of his new project Monsoon Moon, dropping the debut single ‘Just Friends’ today.

If you’re a keen follower of the world of electronic music, then the name Command Q might be one that’s familiar to you.

Comprised of Shaun Pickett and Louis Frere-Harvey, the pair scored some massive love from tastemakers around the globe, receiving a high-profile co-sign with Mad Decent and OWSLA after being noticed by Diplo and Skrillex.

However, after years spent extensively touring and travelling, playing wild shows at every turn, the pair decided to wind things up, eventually putting an end to the project back in 2017.

“The party scene was becoming lost on us,” Pickett explains. “We felt tired and worn down by it, sensing a deeper need to express ourselves with greater emotional contrast.”

“Maybe change is inevitable, as an artist you grow and evolve. All I know now is that I want to express myself beyond ‘dabs’ in an underground EDM dungeon with ravers. I hope I can give that to you with Monsoon Moon.”

Now, launching his new project, the aforementioned Monsoon Moon, Shaun Pickett has today dropped his debut single, the gorgeous ‘Just Friends’.

Produced by Joel Quatermaine (Eskimo Joe, Meg Mac, Dustin Tebutt), ‘Just Friends’ is reminiscent of groups like Alt-J and Everything Everything, with a luscious, intricate sound underpinned by the emotion of introspective, self-aware vocals.

“I was once wildly in love, and like every love-drunk musician before me, I had the original idea of writing a song for my lover,” Monsoon Moon says of the vulnerable cut.

“But, like most good things, our love didn’t last and I was left with an unfinished song and a healthy plate of regret. The song was now a lie! I started to think, ‘Wouldn’t it have been better if we never got together in the first place? Why couldn’t we have stayed Just Friends?'”

Check out ‘Just Friends’ below, and be sure to keep your eye out for many more mesmerising tracks of this calibre down the line.

Check out ‘Just Friends’ by Monsoon Moon:

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