They’re incredible singer-songwriters from Brisbane, and now Hallie is set to accompany Robbie Miller on a national tour that kicks off this week.
For quite some time now, the world of Australian music has been lucky enough to hear amazing tunes by the great Robbie Miller. Uploading songs to triple j Unearthed back in 2013, it wasn’t long before he’s won the National Indigenous Music Award and was well on his way to becoming a household name.
As the years have gone by, the tunes have kept on coming, with latest single ‘The Come Down’ being released recently and featuring the talents of Greta Stanley.
Meanwhile, Brisbane musician Hallie has also been rising up through the ranks at rapid speed, winning us over with tunes like ‘Nice Like Rice’, and adding to the excitement with her debut EP, Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.
With Robbie Miller set to kick off a single tour for ‘The Come Down’ this evening, he’ll be joined by Hallie on these dates, turning it into one national trek you won’t want to miss.
In anticipation of this upcoming tour, we got the two artists to pair up for an interview, allowing them to ask the hard-hitting questions you’ve always wanted to know.
Check out the interview below, along with all the details about their upcoming shows.
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Check out ‘The Come Down’ by Robbie Miller:

Hallie answers Robbie Miller’s questions
Firstly, congratulations on the release of your EP Wink Wink Nudge Nudge. I have had it on repeat the last few weeks and I can’t wait to hear it live! Now my first question is about song writing. I’d love to know what processes you go through? And if your songs inspired by real life?
Thank you THAT’S AWESOME! I can’t wait to hear you live either! My songs are definitely inspired by real life !! I write when I need a good vent and I think that’s why my lyrics always become very honest and I kinda just always try to lay it all out. What you hear is what you get!
I noticed you have a song called ‘Nice Like Rice’ which makes me want to know what is your favourite rice dish?
I LOVE RICE! I like rice either in sushi (its best when I make it) or a mean Indian curry. Rice alone is good enough really.
Favourite Aussie release of 2019?
Ali Barter and Angie McMahon’s albums. Probably because they come first when I press play on my apple music library- you know, cause the alphabet! [laughs] Also, you of course.
If you could have any musician sound track your life. Who would it be and why?
DAMN good question. Depends if I want someone to sugarcoat it and pretend I’m cool and perfect or if I want the hard truth. Gang of Youths, I reckon – bit of the tough stuff in a beautiful tune.
What does 2020 look like for you? Any new EPs or maybe even an album on the horizon?
A LOT OF MUSIC BUT SPECIFICS ARE CLASSIFIED! I’ll tell ya in the green room! :)
Check out ‘Nice Like Rice’ by Hallie:

Robbie Miller answers Hallie’s questions
What is a trend you wish never left?
Unsure about a trend that never left, but I think the world would be a better place if mullets weren’t ever a thing!!
Favourite type of hat & why?
You can’t go past a good legionnaires hat! It’s got all that added sun protection.
If you had to kill one television character, who would it be & why?
Probably Kenny from South Park because he’s used to it, and you know he’s going to be alright come the next episode.
This one’s for your dog, Charlie, if you could pass it on please. Charlie; Robbie or Chicken?
Chicken!! Charlie is only loyal to her food.
Would you rather have one elephant sized duck, or one hundred duck sized elephants?
Would have to be 100 duck sized elephants wouldn’t it?! how cute would they be?
Robbie Miller’s ‘The Come Down’ single tour
Thursday, November 14th
(With Hannah Blackburn and Hallie)
The Gasometer, Melbourne, VIC
Saturday, November 16th
(With Hallie)
Low 302, Sydney, NSW
Sunday, November 24th
(With Hallie)
Blackbear, Brisbane, QLD