Dune Rats have just dropped the hard-hitting music interview of the century, interviewing Skegss as ‘Cone Deaf’.
In the minute-long Instagram story, an absolutely shit-faced BC Michaels interviews Ben from Skegss, asking the questions on everyone’s mind: where they got their name, what their craziest tour story is (a staple question of our festival interviews) and the age old “When you write songs, what’s the process of… what’s the req… what’s the writing… what’s like… what do you… what do ya’s do?”
It’s the sort of material that makes you not only proud to be a fan of Aussie music, but also eager to start imagining what a collab record from the two bands would sound like. If it’s anything like this interview, then you know we’re in for a mighty good time.
Watch Dune Rats interview Skegss as ‘Cone Deaf’:

Dune Rats Crowd Smurfing Tour Dates
Thursday, September 12th (Sold Out)The Croxton, Melbourne, VIC
Friday, September 13th (Sold Out)The Metro, Sydney, NSW
Saturday, September 14th (Sold Out)The Triffid, Brisbane, QLD
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