Snoop Dogg has become the latest musician to receive a star on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame, with a ceremony taking place on Monday.

Back in August, “Weird Al” Yankovic was honoured with a ceremony that saw the musical mirth-maker finally receive a long-awaited star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Now, an equally-overdue star has been given to iconic West Coast rapper Snoop Dogg.

First announced last week, a ceremony for the rapper took place on Monday at the El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles. Hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, the likes of Quincy Jones, Pharrell Williams, and Dr. Dre were also in attendance for this special event.

“Getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is one of the highest honors and entertainer can receive,” explained Jimmy Kimmel. “And if there’s anyone who deserves Hollywood’s highest honor, it’s Snoop Doggy Dogg. Congratulations, Snoop.”

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“It’s a beautiful feeling, man, to start at the bottom and end up here in Hollywood,” explained the 47-year-old rapper during his acceptance speech. “I used to live on Franklin, man, when I first started on Death Row Records. Now to have a star here, it’s a beautiful feeling.”

“I want to thank all the people behind the scenes that made this work, all the people that believed in me. ABC, ya’ll know what time it is…”

While Snoop Dogg also thanked his close friends and associates, he was sure not to forget one of the most important factors in this whole situation; himself.

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“I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work,” he explained with a chuckle. “I wanna thank me for having no days off. I wanna thank me for never quitting.”

“I wanna thank me for always been a giver and trying to give more than I receive. I want to thank me for trying to do more right than wrong. I want to thank me for just being me at all times.”

Snoop Dogg’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame comes just days before the 25th anniversary of the rapper’s debut album, Doggystyle, on November 23rd.

In more recent news, Snoop Dogg made headlines last week when he appeared in front of the White House, smoking a joint in protest of US President Donald Trump.

Check out Snoop Dogg’s ‘Gin And Juice’:

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